Enrichment Outside of the Classroom Distinguished Honors Faculty Program (DHFP)
An important part of the Schreyer Scholar experience is getting to know faculty — not because Scholars are presumptive future grad students and professors, but because faculty model the deep engagement with important questions that Scholars should take with them regardless of their careers. The Distinguished Honors Faculty Program (DHFP) aims to widen the circle of Scholars' engagement with faculty.

Overview & Format
The DHFP is made up of 8 to 10 faculty from a variety of disciplines, who commit to offering one or more events per semester for Schreyer Scholars. Unlike most student/faculty engagement, DHFP appeals to students' breadth of curiosity, and to their civic responsibility: while they may be majoring in X (or sometimes X and Y with a minor in Z), they recognize that a whole range of other subjects are important to the world, so they really ought to learn something about them.
DHFP programs should be no more than 90 minutes, typically on weekday evenings over dinner at a downtown restaurant—the opportunity for a proper restaurant meal is part of the draw for students. The SHC office handles all logistics, promotion, and registration. Other formats are possible, such as visits to on-campus or nearby locations, or a (weekend) day trip. While some pre-reading (or other preparation) is fine, it should be limited.
Faculty Recruitment Timeline
Faculty recruitment for DHFP happens each spring, for a two-year term starting in the fall, and will be announced in the Faculty Digest produced by the office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. Vacancies may be filled at any time on a rolling basis. For more information about DHFP, please contact SHCAcademics@psu.edu.
Program Funding
The Distinguished Honors Faculty Program is funded through a generous gift from Art and Betty Glenn. Art and Betty Glenn are loyal Penn State alumni. Art graduated with a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering in 1956, and Betty graduated with bachelor of science degree in home economics in 1957. Art is a devoted volunteer and supporter of Penn State and the Schreyer Honors College. He served for many years on the External Advisory Board for the Honors College.