Network of Experts Faculty
The success of Schreyer Honors College, and of our students, depends on the enthusiasm of Penn State faculty across all colleges and campuses.

The success of Schreyer Honors College, and of our students, depends on the enthusiasm of Penn State faculty across all colleges and campuses.
Each year well over 1,000 Penn State faculty members serve as honors advisers, honors course instructors, honors thesis supervisors, honors option supervisors, or reviewers of first-year applications. Many also engage with the college as Faculty Fellows, Faculty Advisory Committee members, or as part of our Distinguished Honors Faculty Program. This section contains extensive information to help you in your honors roles—and to pursue new ones.
Being in Schreyer has pushed me further than I ever thought an undergraduate education could. I knew coming to Penn State that I would receive an amazing education with access to a multitude of state-of-the-art resources, but being a Scholar has allowed me to use this environment to maximize my potential and place my education in an ever-changing global community.
Connor Cassady ' 18 Mathematics